5 bad eating habits can lead to cancer

5 bad eating habits can lead to cancer

If you have the following dietary habits in your life, it may increase the risk of cancer.

1.  Love fried food
After frying, oil spraying and other operations, the vitamins and minerals in the food are greatly lost, and the fat content is also greatly increased, which is harmful to health. American researchers have found that the incidence of colon cancer will increase after Chinese people come to the United States. American researchers have focused on fried chicken food, but there is no corresponding fried food in China. Therefore, they used braised fish for research and found that people who often eat braised fish have a higher incidence rate of colorectal cancer than those who eat little or no braised fish. Fried (i.e. high-temperature processed) animal protein and fat will produce a carcinogen called “heterocyclic amines”, which is closely related to the pathogenesis of intestinal cancer.
2. Love to eat hot food and drink while hot
Food like hot pot is hot and hot. If you keep such a diet habit for a long time, it is easy to damage the esophageal mucosa and repair it repeatedly. Long term circulation can easily lead to cancer.
3.  Love to eat pickled, smoked and barbecued food
Pickled vegetables and pickled products contain more nitrite. Although nitrite itself does not cause cancer, it will combine with protein decomposition products in stomach to form carcinogen nitrosamine.
In addition, heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may be produced during the process of roasting or smoking. Among them, the most well-known chemical is benzopyrene, which may be contained in many baked and smoked foods.
4. Eating rotten food
In moldy food, there is a kind of moldy from Aspergillus flavus, especially in grain. Aflatoxin is a highly toxic substance. As early as 1993, it was classified as a class 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization. Its toxicity is 68 times that of arsenic, 10 times that of potassium cyanide, and its carcinogenic capacity is 70 times that of dimethylnitrosamine. It is extremely destructive to liver tissue. Regular intake may increase the risk of liver cancer.
5. Drinking and drinking alcohol
Acetaldehyde related to the intake of alcoholic beverages is classified as a class 1 carcinogen. According to the statistics in the world cancer report 2014, 3.5% of cancers are caused by alcohol, and one in every 30 cancer deaths is caused by alcohol.
A review article published in the British Science Monthly addiction in 2016 pointed out that alcohol can cause cancer and is related to at least seven cancers, such as oropharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer.

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